An attempt of a University of Warwick History and Politics graduate to find worthwhile employment in a difficult job market.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

What do you do with a BA in History and Politics...?

"3 years of college, and plenty of knowledge, have earned me this useless degree...!"

I suppose resorting to paraphrasing Avenue Q lyrics makes things seem a tad drastic. However, I do have skills and I don't actually think my degree was a waste! It has led me to where I am, focused me on what I'm interested in and given me confidence in going out and getting the experience I wanted, and being excptionally organised and responsible.

"So what exactly do you want to do with your life, Jon?" I hear you bellow/ask/think/mercifully whimper (delete as appropriate).

Well since you so graciously asked, I have a few different approaches I am currently looking into:

1. Something along the lines of online archiving or digitising material. I spent six weeks last summer working on the exciting new online archive (open this link in a new tab, check it out after reading this! ... Thanks for staying with me!) I went on to write my dissertation on the change that Historypin is making to the historical world. I am skilled at using Photoshop and have a real interest in this area.

2. Political researcher or assistant. After also working last summer for my newly elected local MP, Tracey Crouch, I am eager and enthusiastic to make a difference to constituents of another MP or MEP in a similar capacity, or to work with an organisation to lobby government so that reforms are secured for those in need. I believe that every person who enters into politics does so with good intentions, and I want to make a visible and lasting difference in whatever role there is for me in the realm of politics.

3. I am also pursuing setting up my own business. The idea is tied up tight right now, but something might just come of it! The problem is that I have limited understanding of how to run or set up a business - any help would be very gratefully received!

4. Of course I am open to any opportunities that come along that I haven't considered. Plus I am looking for temporary work just for now in the Maidstone/Medway areas in Kent.

So, there you have it. Make of that what you wish..! If you or anyone can help, then please leave comments. If not, then I hope you subscribe or at least follow me on Twitter (@getjonajob) - go on, what's the worst that could happen?!

To end, I think it is fitting to quote Princeton - the protagonist of Avenue Q - once more:
"Somehow I can't shake the feeling I might make a difference to the human race!"

Have a great day!

Twitter: @getjonajob

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi

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